Performance, co-created with Juyeong Park, Ren Ran, Hibiki Ishijima
Performed at deutsches theater Berlin 2023
Body is the first territory of defense. This is relevant to the concept of community, which we define; a state of being insolidarity, against post-colonialistic suppression and exploitation. We, a collective of four female Asian artists, have questionedourselves: How would we explain what is needed or can be done to be in a state of being in solidarity within our artisticpractice?The concept of the “body as territory” emerged in activism for freedom against patriarchal and capitalist oppression within theLatin American feminist movement, which has a colonial history. Patriarchy is linked to the exploitation and destruction of naturalresources, sexism, and sexual violence due to masculinity, and the plundering of land as acts of aggression. In order to fightagainst all this exploitation, first, we need to find our own strategy to defend our bodies, territories, and communities.This performance “Oddkinship” is the process of finding the answer through our own bodies.